Thursday, July 23, 2015

If you're a Tecla user, don't upgrade to Lollipop... just yet | Komodo

Built-in Switch Access for Android...?

 Google has incorporated switch access in its newest release of Android 5.0 Lollipop [something we’ve been delivering since 2011, with our first version of the Tecla Access app for Android ;) ].

We checked it out, but can't help but ask... is it ready? We spent a few days testing and were less than satisfied.

Issues with Switch Access in Android 5.0 Lollipop

In our initial testing, we encountered several issues. The most
problematic one is the inability to scan the keyboard, making typing
impossible when using Auto-Scan. Other issues we found were:

  • Scanning didn't always start. Sometimes we needed to press the switch multiple times to get it started
  • The scanning order is inconsistent. The scanning cursor jumps from
    the top to the bottom, from left to right, in unpredictable ways
  • The scanning cursor can be easily lost, as it often merges with the background
  • The screen may dim out during use
  • Non-clickable items may be scanned

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