Friday, January 30, 2015

Scan Buddy | Applied Human Factors | Manufacturers | Products | Infogrip

Scan Buddy | Applied Human Factors | Manufacturers | Products | Infogrip: ScanBuddy helps you point and click anywhere on the screen with just clicks of your mouse or other scanning switch.

ScanBuddy uses an intelligent "divide and conquer" approach to help you select a point on the screen.

ScanBuddy also works with REACH Interface Author to provide a complete scanning solution - REACH for typing and speech augmentation, and ScanBuddy for mouse activities.

Use your mouse by just clicking

If you have problems using a mouse but can operate one or two switches, ScanBuddy can provide a full point-and-click mouse capability.

Do you want to be able to interact with the computer by using only a single switch?